Monday, May 8, 2017

Aspire to Inspire #10: walk Tall

- Your savings (preferrably investments) affect, believe it or not, the way you stand, the way you walk, the tone of your voice.

in short, they affect your physical well-being through self-confidence.

A man without savings and investments is always running. He must.
He must take the first job offfered (no matter how disagreeable), or something near to it. He sits nervously on Life;s chairs because even the smallest emergency throws him into the hands of others

Without savings, a man must become TOO grateful. Gratitude is a fine thing - in its place. But a state of constant gratitude for even life's basic necessities is a horrible place to live.

A man with savings can walk tall. He may appraise opportunities in a relaxed way, and have time for judicious estimates without being rushed by economic necessity.

A man with savings can afford to resign from his job if he sees fit. And, for thsi reason, he'll never need to . A man who can afford to quit is much more valuable to his company, and therefore more readily promoted (all things being equal).

A man with savings can afford the wonderful privilege of being generous in family or neighbourhood emergencies. He can take the level stare of any man - friend, stranger or foe.

That ability shapes his character and personality.

The ability to save (and invest) has nothing to do with size of income. Many high-income individuals spend all their earnings. They are on a treadmill, darting through life like minnows.

the dean of American bankers, J. P. Morgan once a advised a young broker: "Take waste out of your spending; you'll drive haste out of your life."

And humorist Will Rogers put it this way: "I'd rather the company of a janitor living on last year's earnings...than an actor spending what he'll earn next year"

Even if you don't require money for college, a home, auto or retirement, save for your self-confidence; You'll walk taller

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